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Updated: Mar 2

HOT NEW SUSPENSE THRILLER MOVIE Hello Everyone, Ever wonder if your life has finally come full circle? Like, after you’ve have been through many ups and downs and whatever else’!! I’ve had so many challenges that I can understand why some people snap, crackle and pop! Have looked in some mirrors and said...DAMN, quite a few times!!! A few of my most embarrassing times make me LMAO now when I reflect on them. Like, when I had a car that barely got me through a busy intersection, and the horns were BLOWING me to the other side! And another car I had, at another intersection, smoked SO BAD ...I couldn’t see my own damn car OR the red-light! I actually thought somebody’s house nearby was on fire. I heard someone holler ‘Somebody call the fire department for this piece of crap on the road! LOL Those were “lean” times!! But lately, I feel SO BLESSED because The Creator is doing things for me that I have strived for for a very long time. I’m SO grateful, and it feels wonderful! In 30 days I will release my new movie HOUSE OF APRIL 1ST. Let me explain to you why this film is so special... Around 20 years ago I wrote the screenplay for this film and pitched it to Hollywood. I got a couple of hits but nothing happened. The truth is, I really wanted to produce the movie myself but I did not have the confidence, nor the know how or the resources and equipment. So I would go on to writing, directing and producing other content. And it’s been a fun ride. But after a couple of passionate, tenacious, dedicated decades of putting out 4 books, 20+ screenplays, 18 stage plays and articles and stuff, not to mention producing plays and touring them. At a certain point, one gets very wary without the ultimate success dreamed and strived for. Personally, I have cast and directed quite a lot of actors, musicians and various talent, and still haven’t put my flag on top of the mountain. I’ve tried to quite and couldn’t. 9 years ago the doctor horrified me with the ‘C-word’ and I went into a functioning depression. And yet, here I am today ...STILL at it and healthy! Finally, I have a cast where ‘each’ of them not only appreciate me, but they support me 100%. They show pride in “our” work and together we are charging forward. So, yes, it won’t be long now before we, together, make history. HOUSE OF APRIL 1ST is truly the ‘right kind of different’ and we can’t wait to share it with you. This suspense thriller is loaded with suspense, mystery, emotions, fright and even comedy. It’s a serious story that is heartfelt. So be prepared to laugh and jump and think, and try to help the cast figure out the mystery. By the way, this story is about a spirit dwelling inside of an old abandoned house in the middle of the woods that captures a group of women and scares them terribly. They have to figure out the mystery to freedom for all! I predict this film will be the turning point for my writing and producing career. I expect that we will have fans all over the world. But we will not have gotten there via me and the cast alone. Each one of you who subscribed or will have paid to watch this movie are a major part for the success. We had no budget to produce this film. All we had was our talent, desire and our determination. In behalf of the cast and team (Mary Finkley) I want to THANK YOU ALL for your support. It would be great to have your feedback after you watch the movie. I know that for some it will be funnier than scary and a combination of other different reactions. But so long as you enjoyed the film, we’re good! If you will, please take a moment to send our website link to a friend and share with them how you feel about the movie. Maybe they will appreciate it! As I look at this world, I tend to think that it will never ever be the same as it was when things were safer, less mean and hateful, more respectful and kind. So, holding on to our composure will be the new challenge that each of us will have to try diligently at in our going forward. We must see “happiness” as a daily goal! Please be safe and focused and committed to “happiness”! Every person has the right to their fair share of that! Thanks again for your precious time and I’ll keep you posted... Florida’s Own, Barry S. McLeod

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